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The largest Netherlands Arctic Expedition: SEES.NL |
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Foto door Ben Bekooij |
The SEES.NL Netherlands Scientific Expedition Edgeøa Spitsbergen took place 19-28 August 2015 and was a big success. Fiftyfive scientists boarded the vessel Ortelius and headed towards Edgeøya, a wilderness area on the east side of the Svalbard archipelago. Here they studied human induced changes in a remote ecosystem, normally without humans. The project website is in Dutch www.sees.nl but shows the enormous public attention for this project. |
On our return trip, 56 participants have given a first glimpse of their results during a symposium held in Longyearbyen upon our return. We celebrated with the symposium Norwegian-Dutch cooperation in science with presentations by Kim Holmen, Thor Larsen, Geir Wing Gabrielsen and Susanne Barr and the presence of the major of Longyearbyen, the Dutch ambassador to Norway and the minister of foreign affairs of the Netherlands Koenders. |
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