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quarantine | 4 June 2021 |
Our trip to Svalbard required 10 days quarantine in Oslo.
After 7 days,we have been tested with an antigen-quick test and a PCR test and could have continued.
But when we booked, the details of the quarantine were not clear and
we booked our next flight after 11 days to be sure. Our stay in a quarantine hotel was subsidized (NOK 500 while NOK 1600 in 2020) but the lockdown was quite strict. Our meals were brought to our rooms and we had to report times in and out of the hotel. There was a sign that the police would be called as soon as we were away longer than 2 hours. We were two times called and asked about our knowledge of the rules. | |
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Luckily there was a nice bit of forest close to the hotel with a lake where we could swim. With a stiff walk we could also visit Norways largest prehistoric mount, a grave of a viking king. | |
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May 26 we flew to Norway. June 6 our trip continues to Svalbard to Longyearbyen and on June 7 we will fly the last leg in a small propeller plane to Ny-Ålesund. The next day a safety training and our fieldwork can start. We will continue to report field trips in our website log, and register when we leave and retun from the village. It seems a late spring on Svalbard. I am curious if the snow has disappeared and when the geese have started nesting. |
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