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24 August 2012 18:45 |
children tv news |
The sea ice at the North Pole is approaching the record low of 2007. The Dutch children news on TV is interviewing Willemijn
about her experience. Her contribution was broadcasted 24 August station Nederland 3 at 18:45. You can see the news on http://www.npo.nl/nos-jeugdjournaal/24-08-2012/POW_00422031?start_at=385 |
24 August 2012 14:00 |
The making of.....children news |
A small impression of Willemijn, filmed and being interviewed. She explains perfectly, but still she has to say similar sentences with the camera in various positions. One minute broadcasted is one-and-a-half hour interview with 20 minutes taped. |
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